Saturday, December 03, 2011

Appreciation of Yourself

Assalamualaikum...evening everyone..
what's the nice weekend evening.
terlalu lama tak menyemak di mukablog nie.
hopefully everyone dalam keadaan baik.Insya-Allah.
I just finished ..watching Ombak Rindu..
thethe boleh bagi 4 out of 5 lah..gaya penceritaan yg cukup baik
cukup baik utk mengfilemkan karya sebuah novel.
siapa kata filem Malaysia tak hebat.
1st tayangan Ombak rindu dalam mengalahkan kutipan tayangan Breaking Dawn for their first tayanga.
bravo..and congratz.

Tapi macam sedikit terkilanlah dengan indsturi perfileman Malaysia.
Gaya ketimuran makin terhakis.
What can I said...Ombak Rindu mmg tak sesuai untuk ditonton dengan anak-anak kecil.
So as a parent kita kenalah bijak menapis apa yang patut dan tak patut ditonton oleh our youngsters ..

Mukadimah punya panjang, war know peace..

Appreciation Of Yourself

"dress up yourself with an expensive things.that's how I show my love to myself.Cuz no one will love youself better than u"

I always berpegang pada prinsip ini.
Kekadang kita rasa hidup kita ini sepi sekali.
Orang di sekeliling semua berdua-dua..ala lovely dovey gitu.
Sometimes,people asked me:kamu tak sunyi ke hidup sorang?
Then I started to laugh ala kerang busuk.
Secara fizikalnya  memang nampak diri ni macam happy selalu ja.macam  aku ni tak ada masalah.
But the truth,
Sometimes we can't tell the truth to everyone.

For me I don't desire to love someone if I'm not in love with myself.
Why?Sound nonsense.

If u can't love urself how could u love others.
the strong u inside the more can u give to others.

For me,
sayangi,hargai,cintailah diri kamu.
just let urself happy.
janganlah kamu menidakkan hak kamu.
believe that:::u can stand alone even no one will be by ur side.

Appreciate urself..never thought that u r a useless human being
u r special just u are.
walk confidently.
keep ur fate.
u never alone

U have YOU and ALLAH(God) by your side.
So,let work for a better tomorrow.

For youth,via youth,by youth

with alot of loves...

my first love is MYSELF.

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